Use this search tool to find out certified therapists:
Mep Sport
Tendinopathies, muscle injuries and trigger points.
MEP Beauty
Stretch marks and wrinkles.
MEP Ecoguiado
Professionals who have been trained to apply MEP Sport in an eco-guided way.
In addition to therapists, MEP certifies two other levels of professionals.
This professional teaches and certifies other colleagues to apply MEP® technique.
They take part in the courses teaching practical skills.
Dr. Lic. Oscar Ronzio
Lic. Jorge Murúa
Lic. Hernán De La Barra
Lic. Esp.Santiago d Almeida
Lic. Esp. Claudio Gamarra
Lic. Esp. Ms. Nathaly Escobar
Lic. Guido Sandoval
MSc. Manuel Padrino
Lic. Germán Heinze
Lic. Guillermo Schoua
Lic. Emanuel Castro
Lic. Marcelo Lamas
Lic. Nicolás Álvarez
Lic. Carlos Alvayai
Lic. Gabriela Mobrici
Lic. Doctoranda Verónica Arguello Retamar
Lic. Verónica Bellocco
Lic. Nathaly Escobar
Lic. Esteban Fortuny
Lic. Esp.Santiago d Almeida
Dr. Lic. Oscar Ronzio
Lic. Jorge Murúa
MSc. Manuel Padrino
Lic. Guillermo Schoua
Lic. Emanuel Castro
Lic. Eitan Feld